Half Life Show

13: Dr. Sidharth Mohan: Discovering New Drugs


In this edition, Dr. Sidharth Mohan, a biophysicist and an expert in protein biochemistry, heavy metal drummer and indie music promoter,  talks about the fundamental building blocks of life, the wonders and secrets that Mother Nature won’t reveal to us, and the implications of learning those secrets on the future of humanity. He talks about drug discovery and how the entire scientific community came together as one to develop and deliver Covid-19 vaccines to the world. Subu and Vikram also talk about his personal journey, his inspirations and influences which got him to where he is today.

Dr. Sidharth Mohan is on Instagram at @sidmogram



0:00 Discovering New Drugs with Dr. Sidharth Mohan

4:01 Protein folding and Levinthal's paradox

22:53 Experimenting with Protein Folding

31:00 How drugs work

34:46 Developing new drugs

46:02 A primer in molecular biology: DNA, RNA and Vaccines

56:49 Solving the COVID crisis

1:01:30 Tools used in drug discovery

1:07:25 PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction

1:19:37 SidMo's personal jouney into science

1:32:36 Inspiring figures in SidMo's life

1:45:01 Music, Drumming and WTS

2:03:33 Outro

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